Deb 7 Me8
First thing I noticed was that the stars had a vested interest in this thing. They did everything from the screenplay to produce it so you felt they were in earnest all the way through. It was actually a good movie. I'm always suspicious when a TV guy does a movie, this had Jim from "the Office" in it and again, he was a driving force in the movie production, and he was swell. Too often these crossover guys are one dimensional and here he didn't stray far from his TV image. The other guy wasn't Brad Pitt but the other guy, Matt Damon (he kinda looks like Bruce Watson). He was great and Frances MacDormand was much less whacky than we've seen her in the past, but did a fine job.
It was a great story, topical, you see why these guys might want to tell the tale and entertaining. They talk about "fracking" in the movie and describe it differently that I understood it. So I looked it up and there are many ways it can be done, loosely including the method described in the film. (For me this was a distraction while watching it, so now you can be at ease during the show.)
All in all a nice episode of Leave it to Beaver with big kids. Entertaining, educational and not too preachy. Worth the time it takes to watch it and might provoke some provocative after movie conversation.